Milonga @ Paradiso: Friday February 7 2020
new venue @ The Dovercourt House!

"for the love of tango"
paradiso milonga party is always on the 
1st Friday of the month

Friday, February 7, 2020

 For details email Regina:

We are looking forward to greeting you at 
– our new cool quarters 
– same Dovercourt House 
 same time (first Friday of the month), 
– new lower level club room! 
Come check it out on Feb. 7!
  • class @ 8:30 with Regina
  • Milonga follows the class till 1:00 am 
  • d.j. Jorge    

  • cash bar, this is a licensed hall, please do not bring in your own beverages
  • light refreshments served

Hosted by: Regina, Patricia & Mark

**Parking: free on Dovercourt till midnight; free on Bloor St. W. from 9:00 pm
**Salvation Lot: $2 per car: good parking from 10:00 pm. obtain a permit from organizers